Friday, January 8, 2010


Well shucks, here I am at the bottom of the world, and blogging for the first time ever. So many of you nosey people want to know what I am doing, that I figure blogging is the easiest way to reach you all. :) It is going to take a while to figure out how to write a good blog post, so your patience is graciously requested ;) Here goes nothing...

I flew into the McMurodo station in Antarctica yesterday afternoon. We were supposed to fly to the South Pole this morning, but the flight was delayed. I believe that there were other flights that got moved back on-top of ours, and ours was simply cancelled. Today is Saturday and there are no flights on Sundays, so we will try again to fly in Monday. Fortunately, most of the work that I need to do is software, so I can do a lot of work from anywhere that has a power plug, and even more with an internet connection. The internet blows my mind sometimes. Speaking of internet, the plug here is extremely flakey, so if I even touch it or move my computer, I get disconnected.

I am planning on writing a few post-dated blog posts to describe some of my adventures already, and will try to update this blog somewhat regularly while I am in the Antarctic. Your comments are welcomed and encouraged!!

Love and Laughter

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I can't wait to read all about it in this blog. Which has an amazing title by the way...
